Storenvy Store Owner Inspiration & Resources

Interacting with customers face-to-face


You’re a pro at interacting with customers over email and social media, but what about in-person? Talking to a customer face-to-face makes it so much easier to encourage them to buy and this is a great opportunity to shine as a business owner and turn a casual shopper into a loyal customer

Here are 5 tips for interacting with your customers face-to-face. Keep these in mind when you’re at any in-person sales event and you’ll quickly become their new favorite person.

1. Remember not to hard sell. It’s tempting! You’ve got an awesome product and you really want to make sure as many people as possible make that purchase, but the truth is, no one likes being sold to. If you come across as knowledgeable and helpful, you’ll do far better with potential customers. Sharing the story behind your products, or the unique aspects of your business is more authentic, and authenticity will make you memorable and appealing. Just be careful not to take this point too far. You still need to be confident in your product and prove that what you sell is worth buying.

2. Think of it as networking. It doesn’t have to just be about selling. This is a great opportunity to get to know some of your local customers and create relationships with them. Remember that every great business is built on the foundation of supporters and customers: people who keep coming back for more. Do your best to get to know people who seem truly interested in your business. You might even meet other business owners who you can learn from, or share your own knowledge and experiences.

3. Try and get feedback. Along with point 2, you can also use this opportunity to try and get feedback from your customers. Do they like your products? Where do they typically shop for these kinds of items? Do they have any suggestions for improvements? Keep in mind that this should happen naturally through conversation and not come across as some sort of survey. You still want them to have a pleasant experience! They should feel as though they’re chatting rather than talking business.

4. Smile and be polite. This goes without saying, but it’ll go a long way in creating repeat customers. A friendly, positive attitude and professional demeanor will help you gain your customer’s trust. Don’t forget to say ‘thank you’ to people who purchase; they didn’t have to buy from you, or buy anything at all!

5. Be quick and efficient. You definitely have more leeway at a market or fair since your customers will probably be in a more leisurely mood and in less of a rush. On the other hand, no one likes waiting in line and dealing with malfunctioning technology. Be sure that your payment system is organized and working properly in advance and have your packaging supplies and spare inventory organized so you can find things quickly. Be conscious of people waiting around; showing that you appreciate someone’s time will be an awesome bonus in their book.

happy customer

With these tips in mind, you’ll be great at interacting with your customers and presenting your business in the best light. Hopefully you’ll have a great time doing it too!

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