Diving Deeper into Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an amazing tool for online business owners to get added information about the behavior of your potential shoppers. Here are three of the most important pages to pay attention to within your Google Analytics account, and a breakdown of the types of information you’ll find there.

1. Audience Overview
One of the key metrics for any online store is ‘visits’. A ‘visit’ is any time anyone lands on a page on your website. A single unique visitor can view your site more than once per day, which can cause the number of visits and unique visitors to vary significantly.
If you have a very low number of unique visitors, but a high number of views and visits, you have a small number of people who are looking at your site frequently.
Another important measure to consider in this category is new versus returning customers. This is where you can learn what percentage of your visits are first-timers, and who’s been to your site before.
2. Behavior-Site Content
Ever wonder what people look at most when they visit your site? This is where you can figure that out. Important statistics to look at include ‘time on page’ and ‘bounce rate’. The bounce rate of each page tells you what percentage of people landed on that page and left without viewing any other site content. If a bounce rate for a given page is unexpectedly high, you might consider changing the content on that page or adding links to other interesting products or information to entice potential customers to keep viewing.
3. Acquisition-All Traffic
Want to know how people find your site? Check this section out. Here you’ll be able to see how many people come directly to your site (meaning they type your store URL into their browser) and how many people are being referred by other websites. If you find you’re getting unexpected referrals, you’ll be able to see where those visitors originated.
Google Analytics is a powerful tool that gives you an often overwhelming amount of data. Fortunately, if you pay attention to these key areas, you’ll be able to use the valuable information it provides to improve your understanding of your website and online business.