Storenvy Store Owner Inspiration & Resources


Hey if you’re reading this then you’re interested in telling us and the world your brand’s story.

That’s Awesome!

We believe everyone’s story leads to something special and we thank you for wanting to tell yours. Below you’ll find tips to get you started. When you’re done you can email us your video or tag a post that includes your video with #StorenvySellerStories so we can share it with everyone we know.

Location and background tips

Some of the most amazing brands get their start in the strangest places. Even if you don’t have a dedicated shop, show us what you got. Just make sure there isn’t a ton of background noise.

Some places to consider for shooting your video include;

  • Your shop, work area, or event booth.
  • Your neighborhood or your garden.
  • Even your bedroom, if it’s not too messy or even if it is we won’t care if you don’t

Inquiring minds want to know…

  • Who are you?
  • What is your background?
  • What is your brand/store?
  • What do you do or sell?
  • Where are you located?
  • How long have you been in business?
  • How did you get started?
  • What makes you/your brand unique?
  • How long have you been selling on Storenvy?
  • How has Storenvy helped build your brand?
  • What makes Storenvy great/fun/easy/useful?
  • Would you/do you recommend Storenvy?
  • If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
  • If you could speak to your younger self, just starting out, what advice would you give him/her?
  • Who inspires you (alive or not) and why?
  • How do you personally define business success? Is it money? Freedom? Influence? Creative expression and innovation? Something else?
  • What are your hidden inspiration sources? How do you generate new ideas?
  • What does the future hold for your brand?
  • Where can people follow your store/brand?

Start with this

Please begin your video with the sentence below. It’ll help us connect your entry to your store.


my name is___________(use your username if you want)

and ____________(your store name) 

is my Storenvy Store

Ready to send?

When you’re ready, please send your video file or a link to it to . You can also just tag a post that includes your video using #StorenvySellerStories on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

If you’re camera shy you can submit your answers to the questions above via text and/or photographs.

Legal stuff

By submitting your Storenvy Seller Story to Storenvy you agree to allow us to use any or all materials for marketing purposes in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

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